Rocko modern life dance
Rocko modern life dance

rocko modern life dance

(referring to Rocko getting a glass of milk naked) "And he ain't dressed for the occasion, if ya know what I mean!"."Citizens of Conglom-O, repeat after me."Hey, pal! Get your buns out of your pants!!."If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing adequately."."I'm nauseous, I'm nauseous, I'm nauseous."."You'll have to excuse my friend here."Makes a great meat substitute for undershorts!"."Hey, Rock, do that funny face you make when you're buying eggs."."If you were a true friend, you'd burn my butt.Without my teeth, I could swallow food whole!" "I'll make ya walk the poop deck ya big.The only thing standing between me and me treasure was 100 of the ugliest pirates known to Neptune." "(imitating Crappie Jack's accent) "So there I was, delirious with scurvy."Rocko, I'm sorry I wrecked your Christmas."."I'm a glutton (pronounced as glue-ton)!"."Maybe We should try new Tropicial Plumber".

Rocko modern life dance skin#

"Chuck? Leon? Is my sausage skin suit ready? Chuuuck? Leeooon!"."Through the use of sophisticated computer technology, and a box of crayons, we have constructed a likeness of Dingo today."."Look out everyone! He's visually impaired!"."The 21st century is a very dangerous century.".You CHEAP LITTLE ROTTER! I've been run over by a car, made to drag around a gimp shopping cart, threatened by your Gestapo security guards, had me head set on fire, I was attacked by wild lobsters, beaten by a very large woman, had me dog wrapped in plastic, nearly starved to death, and I still beat the 12:00 deadline! So if you don't change that total back to $1.50, I WILL DO SOMETHING NOT NICE!!!!!."Oh, a sad, crying clown in an iron lung, I've always wanted one."."Why are you all dressed like wienies?"."I don't want to sleep! I don't need sleep! I am the walking living!".

rocko modern life dance rocko modern life dance

  • "If this marriage is going to break up our friendship, I'd rather be deported!".
  • "It's Heffer, on the Television, playing with his sausage!?".
  • but garbage and dogs are not part of a balanced diet."
  • You know, Spunky, sometimes grocery day can be a very dangerous day, but at least we got food.
  • X day/night is a very dangerous day/night.

  • Rocko modern life dance